Melt Mass Flow Rate (MFR) and Melt Volume Flow Rate (MVR)
The melt mass flow rate (MFR) and the melt volume flow rate (MVR) are used to characterise the flow behaviour of thermoplastics. In the past, the abbreviations MFI for melt flow index and MVI for melt volume index were also used.
The MFR or MVR represents a single value indirectly proportional to viscosity at a relatively low shear rate.

Sample preparation
- Shredding of components or test specimens
- Drying of the components
Test conditions
- Temperature range from room temperature to 400 °C
- All possible weights according to standard
- DIN EN ISO 1133:
Kunststoffe – Bestimmung der Schmelze-Massefließrate (MFR) und der Schmelze-Volumenfließrate (MVR) von Thermoplasten- Teil 1: Allgemeines Prüfverfahren
Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Anja Berthold
Phone: +49 (0)3461 30889-56
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