Abrasion of rubber and elastomers
Determining the resistance of elastomers, thermoplastic elastomers and rubber to abrasion or wear is one of the standard tests in elastomer testing. For this purpose, test specimens are taken from test plates and moved over a rotating cylinder drum with a defined contact pressure. An abrasive sheet with a defined sharpness is fixed to this cylinder drum. The test specimens themselves can be non-rotating (method A) or rotating (method B). In order to be able to compare the results, the result is related to a reference elastomer. The relative volume loss and the abrasion resistance index ARI are determined as parameters for both methods.

Technical equipment

- Measurement at room temperature
- Non-rotating and rotating test specimens - method A and method B
- Rotating cylinder with abrasive paper
- Abrasion length 20 m or 40 m
- Abrasion testing machine of the company Bareiss Prüfgerätebau GmbH
Sample preparation
- Removal of the test specimens from plates using a circular cutter
- Conditioning at standard climate (23 °C, 50 % humidity)
- Regular comparative measurements with the reference elastomer
Akkreditierte Normen
- DIN ISO 4649:
Elastomere oder thermoplastische Elastomere – Bestimmung des Abriebwiderstandes mit einem Gerät mit rotierender Zylindertrommel
Weitere Normen
- DIN 53516:
Prüfung von Kautschuken und Elastomeren – Bestimmung des Abriebs
(Diese Norm wurde zurückgezogen und ist in DIN ISO 4649 integriert.)
- Relative volume loss ΔVrel
- Abrasion resistance index ARI or IAR