Gloss measurement
Gloss is a visual perception that occurs when surfaces are viewed. The perception of gloss is more pronounced the more directionally the light is reflected.
The description of the gloss of surfaces with terms such as high gloss or matt is not uniformly regulated. According to DIN EN ISO 2813 and DIN EN ISO 4816, the terms high gloss, glossy, silk gloss, semi-gloss, silk matte, matte and dull matte are used for coating materials.
For coatings and paints, the terms high gloss, silk gloss, semi-matt, matt, dull matt, deep matt or ultramatt and natural matt are used. In mineralogy, an eight-step - or finer, if necessary - classification is usually used.

Gloss is described by the gloss value, which is a ratio multiplied by 100 of the luminous fluxes reflected in the specular direction by a sample and a glass surface with a refractive index of 1.567 at a wavelength of 587.6 nm, where the angle of reflection and the aperture angles of the light source and receiver are specified.
The gloss value determined on a surface is set in relation to the gloss of a polished plane glass surface for the determination of the gloss and specified in gloss units GU.
Technical equipment

Three angle gloss meter - micro-TRI-gloss (BYK-Gardner GmbH, Germany)
- Measurement of gloss or change in gloss with three different measuring geometries (illumination angles)
- high gloss (20°)
- semi-glossy (60°)
- low gloss (matt) (85°)
- Traceable test standard for the measuring angles 20°, 60° and 85°
Akkreditierte Normen
- DIN EN ISO 2813:
Beschichtungsstoffe – Bestimmung des Glanzwertes unter 20°, 60° und 85°
Weitere Normen
- ASTM D 523:
Standard Test Method for Specular Gloss - ASTM D 2457:
Standard Test Method for Specular Gloss of Plastic Films and Solid Plastics - DIN EN ISO 7668:
Anodisieren von Aluminium und Aluminiumlegierungen - Messung des gerichteten Reflexionsgrades und des Spiegelglanzes von anodisch erzeugten Oxidschichten bei Winkeln von 20°, 45°, 60° oder 85° - DIN EN ISO 13803:
Beschichtungsstoffe – Bestimmung des Glanzschleiers von Beschichtungen bei 20° - DIN 67530 (zurückgezogen, Ersatz ist DIN EN ISO 2813)
Reflektometer als Hilfsmittel zur Glanzbeurteilung an ebenen Anstrich- und Kunststoff-Oberflächen
Dr.-Ing. Marcus Schoßig
Phone: +49 (0)3461 30889-53
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