Peel test
The peel test is used to determine the peel resistance Rpeel between the adhesion of bonds, e.g. between floor and wall coverings and the adhesion of laminated foils on window profiles.
For this purpose, the peel test specimen is clamped in a roller peeling device, which is fixed on one side in the tensile testing machine. The free end of the test sheeting is located between the rollers of the roller peeling device and is subjected to stress at a constant crosshead speed. As a result of the experiment, the peeling resistance Rpeel is calculated from the mean value of the peeling force F and the width b of the test specimen.

Technical equipment

- Two different roller peeling devices
- depending on the dimensions of the test specimen
- Carried out at standard climate (23 °C, 50 % humidity)
Sample preparation
- Gluing
- Cutting
- Aging
- Medial-thermal exposure
- Weathering
Akkreditierte Normen
- DIN EN 1372:
Klebstoffe – Prüfverfahren für Klebstoffe, für Boden und Wandbeläge – Schälversuch
Weitere Normen
- RAL GZ 716 Güte- und Prüfbestimmungen
- Peeling resistance Rpeel
Dr. Katja Oßwald
Phone: +49 (0)3461 30889-72
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